3 Reasons "Automation" Will Work for You

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SSON Editor

Early results from our ongoing, annual, "State of the Shared Services Industry" survey indicate that process automation is going to be a key enabler of value for shared services operations within the next two years.

And yet, nearly 50% of respondents indicate they have not yet taken any action towards implementing this.

Don't find yourself left behind. To help you understand your options and to demonstrate some of the technologies currently available SSON is running a Finance Process Automation Open House, which you can easily access online, on December 1st and 2nd, wherever in the world you may be.

You'll be able to:

  1. find out where the opportunities lie,
  2. hear case studies presented, and
  3. learn about some of the new technologies that can help you.

Find out more about the agenda and register today to an sure your access to all sessions. Registrations ensures we will send you a direct link to the recorded version of these sessions once they have run – so there is no reason to miss a thing!
