Tuesday, 25 May, 2021 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (SGT)
Digital Event

Will we see you in 2018?

Join us at Victoria's premier healthcare expo on the 20-21 August at the Pullman Melbourne Albert Park!

The 8th Annual Victorian Healthcare Week Expo is held over 2 days (10am-4pm) and features 2 FREE-TO-ATTEND Onfloor Theatres:

  • Nurses and Clinicians: (Endorsed by the Australian College of Nursing) Earn 8 CPD Points over the 2 days and learn how you can improve patient experience and outcomes in a resource constrained environment
  • Disrupt Healthcare: Learn about the innovative technologies you can use to transform your models of care

Here’s a snapshot of who to expect:

  • Kalli Spencer, Urologist, Macquarie University Hospital – presenting on the benefits, opportunities and challenges of integrating robotics beyond surgery
  • Prof Enrico Coiera, Director Health Informatics, Macquarie University – presenting on the potential and limits of Artificial intelligence in the context of healthcare
  • Leslie Burnett, Chief Medical Officer, Genome.One – presenting on the disruptive nature of genomics and how it will fit into the future of health
  • Janette Gogler, Senior Nursing Information Officer, Monash Health – presenting on the emerging role of the Chief Nursing Information Officer
  • Leanne Boyd, Executive Director Nursing, Cabrini Health – presenting on the impact of sustainable workforce planning
  • Fiona Faulks, Chief Nursing & Midwifery Information Officer, Bendigo Health – presenting on why nursing documentation in an iEMR environment is critical for patient safety

And many more…!