Understand the future of your industry and benchmark your place within it

12 - 13 January, 2021  |  Digital Conference

Marcus Millership

Director of People Services & Solutions Rolls-Royce

Day Two - 13 January 2021

9:00 AM Gig, Remote, Digital & Highly Skilled: The Big Talent Conversation

Despite the rise of automation in the last 5 years, humans have become no less important to the success of shared services. Therefore the future of shared services is inevitably wrapped up in the future of talent. Shifting from packed, call-center type environments to remote and digitally enabled skilled workers is the future, and it’s vital we learn from those who’ve already transformed. In this session we discuss:

·        What is the future of work for shared services?

·        Hiring, onboarding and planning for remote talent

·        What skills are required for shared services of the future?

·        The growth of GIG workers and understanding if they fit to your workforce model