

Podcast interview with Kathleen Bienkowski, Emory University

Podcast with Emory University's Kathleen Bienkowski

Episode Overview:

Recorded at SSOWeek, Kathleen Bienkowski joins us and shares that she feels that her psych background has done her a world of good in simply being able to relate to people in shared services.

To that end, Kathleen says that in leadership, having a high EQ – the ability to connect with and relate to others – is one of the most important things; and that high EQ serves any leader well in the first moment of managing an employee – the hiring process. Assembling a good strong team is key.

Obviously, there’s an advantage in knowing what you’re getting. Kathleen began her career in staffing, so she provides her thoughts on what to look for and red flags, as well as how to recognize emotional intelligence. This all led, of course, to Kathleen being identified as a perfect shared services executive...

Listen to the podcast here:

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