

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Where Do SSC Opportunities Fall?

Above: Shared Services Job Ads – by density

We’ve analyzed 1,600 Shared Services Centers across the U.S. to compare ‘SSC density’, talent coming onto the market, and salary shifts in recent years. Here’s some heartening news for you Finance career-ists! Across the U.S., salaries for Finance positions have grown by more than the U.S. median salaries. In some cases, by a full third since 2013. Find out where.

Job ads falling? NYC has on average 200 Shared Services jobs advertised per week. Right now, there’s been a post-election drop, most notably in NYC, and in Atlanta (GA), which has consistently shown the highest number of finance shared services job ads (Atlanta is down 2 places this week).

HR vs F&A? Trust the touchy-feely Californians to host the most HR SSCs in the US, and NYC to lead in Finance. Interestingly, however, the top 3 cities hosting the most SSCs don’t lie within the top 3 states with the most SSCs.

Opportunity? For those looking for opportunity: Illinois just overtook NYC to become the state with the 4th highest SSC concentration (108, and climbing!). The other factor is that you’ll want to have plenty of talented and accredited people to pull your employee base from. SSON Analytics’ data shows that some cities are fighting an aggressive war on talent, fishing from a fairly narrow pool (Seattle), while other cities have a vast supply that is not yet being properly tapped by the Shared Services market (Los Angeles). 

Read more in the U.S. Shared Services Landscape 2016 Part 1: The War for Talent

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