Dr. Lars Najda

Head of Shared Services Schaeffler

Day Two - Tuesday, 13 September 2022

2:15 PM Keynote Closing Panel: Seizing The Opportunities Of Technological Evolution in GBS

After two days of investigating how the latest technological innovations are transforming how GBS & Shared Services drive process improvement and value, we lift our sights to look to the future challenges and opportunities approaching us.


·      In what ways is the landscape for GBS & Shared Services changing and what will be the associated challenges and opportunities?


·      How is technological innovation redefining what we consider possible when considering process improvement and value creation?


·      Investigate where GBS and Shared Services can continue to mature so to drive organisational transformation?


·      What are the factors to consider when redesigning operating models to meet contemporary and future challenges?


·      Learn how to implement a flexible approach that allows you to adapt to future challenges

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Lars.

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