

5 Steps to the "Paperless Office" in Accounts Payable

While the paperless office is what many departments strive for, Accounts Payable is still buried under paper – even today, 60% of invoices still arrive as paper and most business-to-business payments are still being paid by checks.

The problem with paper is it's expensive, it takes long to process, and its use is growing! Eliminating paper does many things, including offering improved financial visibility, less risk, and easy access.

With so many solutions on offer, though, making a decision is daunting, and no matter how pressing the business case, for most organizations the move towards paperless occurs over time, through a series of steps.

There is a new diagnostic tool, however, that can help you measure your progress towards paperless via a 5-step Maturity Model. This not only helps you identify where you stand today, but points you towards best practices and next steps to consider.

Download the white paper to learn about the different stages of paperless, and to link directly to the free paperless office maturity model formula. Where will your operations fit in? – with the 50% in level 1 [paper-based] or the 3% in level 5 [paper free]?

Find out now.

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