5 Steps to a Paperless Office in Accounts Payable

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Achieving the "paperless office" has long been a goal for businesses. Yet most organizations are still overrun by costly, inefficient, and error-prone paper processes.

This is especially true in accounts payable departments, where 60 percent of invoices still arrive as paper and most business-to-business payments are made by paper check.

AP professionals increasingly recognize the need to eliminate paper processes to reduce transaction costs, accelerate turnaround times, and improve financial visibility. But the "long tail" of trading partners and document types that must be addressed by AP automation initiatives is daunting.

Unclear about where to begin their journey toward paperless, or which automation initiative to tackle next, many AP organizations do nothing, perpetuating the paper-intensive environment.

A new diagnostic tool aims to change this by helping AP organizations measure their progress toward the paperless office and offering guidance on steps to take next. Using this tool to reduce paper-driven processes enables AP organizations to finally shift their daily focus from tactical transaction processing toward high-value strategic activities.

See how the tool can help YOU identify your paper-gaps: This sample report, which you can download below, will show you what you can expect to learn from the Paperless Office Maturity Model.