Global e-invoice Compliance
6 Best Practices for Shared Service Centers
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There is a €500bn Global Valued-Added Tax (VAT) Gap. Closing the VAT Gap has been the biggest driver for governments to roll out e-invoicing mandates worldwide.
Simply put, depending on the countries where you do business, you may be required to submit invoices electronically based on that country’s specific system and format. Regulatory rules for the processing of electronic invoicing also change regularly, making it important to stay up-to- date and be able to adapt quickly.
This guidebook breaks down why this is happening now, it's impact on global finance teams and how shared service centers can respond.
Read on to learn...
- How Italy is closing the VAT gap with increased compliance - and what it means for other governments
- Modelling the different Continuous Transaction Controls (CTCs) currently in place
- Breaking down the cost of non-compliance for SSCs
- 6 essential tips for becoming and staying compliant