Finance Leadership 2020: Historic Data is Out, Predictive Data is In
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In today’s “new” world, disruption is the norm: New business upstarts are, within a matter of months, creating major upheaval in industries that have remained the same for decades; robotic technology replaces human labor; and, in the midst of all these changes, CEOs are demanding forward-looking insights that help them redirect their focus on what matters most.
The CFO is finding him/herself at the head of these activities because all relevant enterprise data runs through Finance. And, supported and enabled by today’s innovative tech solutions, the CFO is increasingly able to provide just the kind of intelligence that is needed to impact success, differentiation, and growth.
One of Finance’s key concerns is asset management. The best service Finance can provide is in deploying the right assets, at the right time, in the right place – and at the right price. With the most expensive assets still people, this means a key target for today's Finance leaders is ensuring that the corporate people management strategy is aligned with the growth strategy. That requires access to relevant, truthful data, and reporting on it real time, if not future time.
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