Indirect Procurement: 2017 Market Report
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What’s Holding Back Indirect Procurement?
To shed some light on where the greatest gaps in indirect Procurement are, OpusCapita and SSON surveyed Procurement professionals in the Nordic and DACH regions earlier this year.
The results of that survey are summarized in this report which clearly identifies obvious weaknesses that can be solved with the help of technology.
Download your free copy to find out how effective current supplier engagement practices are; how catalog management could be optimized; where Procurement practices are proving most successful; and future improvement plans.
Key findings:
- Current supplier engagement practices are characterized by manual activity
- Two-thirds of procurement departments are dealing with poor or simply adequate processes for managing electronic catalogs
- Supplier information management is the biggest issue for indirect procurement
- A significant segment plans to invest in improving current systems, alongside process improvement, in the next 12 months