What mistakes could you have avoided?
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Name: Josephine Gazzola
Title: Manager, HR Services & Support
Company: CSL Limited
Location: Australia
Time with current company/in this role (since): Tenure 17 years. In this role 18 months.
Q: What is your key role?
A: My key role is to manage the HR Services & Support team providing value-add services to the business. This includes leading the HR Transformation project, and driving the implementation of systems and processes to streamline HR transactional activities.
Q: What is it that attracts you to the online learning forum? How does this compare to other training sessions you've taken part in?
A: The online learning is appealing as it allows you to learn and undertake training sessions at various times of the day. This provides the flexibility for me to do training at times that are suitable to me.
Q: What is your Skill Set?
A: My skills are in the area of Human Resources, specifically in processes and systems. I am strong in facilitating change management and project management.
Q: In which of the 10 core SSOPro competency areas do you feel you have experience to share?
A: Change Management, Customer and Stakeholder Services, Project Management
Q: In which of the 10 core SSOPro competency areas do you have most to learn?
A: Benchmarking, Contracting & Negotiation, Governance & Compliance, Financial Acumen
Q: What mistakes could you have avoided had you had access to this course earlier in your career?
A: The HR Transformation project could have been managed more effectively and Project Governance could have been established much earlier. Also, the management and rollout of HR Shared Services and its communication to the business – we have yet to do this, as we have not completed the transformation. We may have put the cart before the horse. Having access to this course earlier would have enabled us to develop better analysis and benchmarking information for the shared services business case.
Q: What has been your favourite job/role to date? Why?
A: My current role as Manager, HR Services & Support, because this role is responsible for building the HR shared services department and the development of systems and processes to enable value services to the business. This is a new role for the business, therefore I am having to set the framework myself. There is flexibility and lots of development opportunities.
Q: Who has been your best boss/mentor to date? Why?
A: With each of my managers over the past 10 years I have been able to learn and develop. They each had different expectations of me and my role, which allowed me some great opportunities.
Q: Who do you look up to in business and why?
A: There are a couple of senior female executives that I look up to in the business. They have worked hard to build their careers in a very male dominated area of business and I admire how they operate and go about their work. I have a keen interest in their communication style and their ability to develop relationships at the highest level.
Q: What has been your greatest achievement?
A: My greatest achievement is bringing up my daughter as a single mother whilst working full time, developing my skills and capability in HR, and progressing my career. The demands of a career and family at times were very exhausting but I am very pleased to say that I did it! My daughter is now 19 years old and studying in the US. My career is where I want it to be and I now have a wonderful and supportive husband.
Q: What is your greatest regret?
A: My greatest regret is not having undertaken university studies earlier in my life. It is very difficult to undertake studies when you are older with a full time job and juggling family commitments.
Q: Which management books/magazines/newspapers do you read?
A: I do not subscribe to any journals or magazines. I do however receive emails from a number of on-line HR forums such as SSON, HR Toolbox, Corporate Leadership Council, LinkedIn, etc.
Q: What is your favourite 10-minute meal that you cook?
A: I love eggs on toast on a Sunday morning.
Q: What is your favourite TV show?
A: I enjoy watching renovation shows such as the Block and watching the Lifestyle channels. I also enjoy Australian drama. Packed to the Rafters is a real favourite of mine. Also, of course, the news.
Q: What is your "song" of the moment?
A: Jennifer Lopez’s On the floor and Lady Gaga’s songs Judas and Born this way.
Q: Where do you live and how far do you commute to work? What keeps you here?
A: I live about 35 minutes from my workplace and I commute by car. For the past 17 years I have had opportunities to develop and sufficient challenges to keep me interested, and I feel like I am always learning. In my leadership role, I have the opportunity to coach and develop my own staff, which I am really enjoying.