Beyond Labor Arbitrage
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The advantages of leveraging the "operational excellence" of BPO partners – including better business outcomes and results, process innovation, efficiency, standardization, improved quality, security, and compliance – are as important as the traditional outsourcing benefits of lower labor costs and asset transfer.
This paper examines the potential effect of a BPO provider’s operational practices on delivery, cost, quality, risk, compliance, agility, and ongoing optimization. It also describes the need for an integrated, end-to-end, multidisciplinary, lifecycle approach to operational excellence – as well as what to look for a strategic partner.
Simply moving operations to low-cost locations in Latin America or Asia is no longer enough to make you a board room hero! You’ll know only too well that, today, shared services are expected to provide operational excellence (increasingly, though leveraging value-add BPO partnerships) and that means taking a holistic "lifecycle" approach to BPO. It also means recognizing that "knowledge" is a core element of your services delivery – that means transferring knowledge, documenting knowledge, and training knowledge.
Learn more by downloading this white paper.